National Efforts

Expanding Our Network

While Clear Choices Clean Water was born in Indiana, the challenges and solutions facing waterways are similar across the country. All stormwater runoff is polluted by many of the same common sources (pet waste, fertilizers, litter, yard waste, oils and greases, etc.), and, likewise, every community needs to conserve and best manage its water supplies. Because of this, Clear Choices’ messages and strategies are relevant everywhere.

As our outreach efforts grew and bore successful results, other communities desired to mirror our program strategy and partnership model. As a result, the first national affiliate of Clear Choices Clean Water was launched in 2015. National affiliate programs exist in the Delaware River basin and the Chesapeake Bay area on the east coast, as well as in the Toledo Ohio/Lake Erie basin and along the Mississippi River in Missouri.

Stronger Together

National Affiliates manage and implement their own program, but they belong to the larger Clear Choices Clean Water network. We share a common brand, we leverage each other’s resources, and together we support the shared aim of inspiring widespread behavior change that reduces water pollution and protects water supplies. National Affiliates operate under a License Agreement similar to Indiana Licensed Partners, which means any materials they create or strategies they employ are shared with all other Affiliates and Partners. As a network with a shared mission, impassioned professionals, and many valuable lessons under our belt, we are able to learn, grow, and even fundraise cooperatively. 

We are stronger, more creative, and more impactful together!